TECreation Development, LLC

Elegant  - Fluid  - Innovations

TECreation was founded in 2006 for the purpose of providing innovations to the marketplace that use simple elegant designs. Mankind started out as a part of nature but has evolved to the point of fighting with it. We are here regain our fluid harmony with the environment while improving our lifestyle.

Through the use of today's technology we are striving to make it easier for man to coexist with nature. Everything relates to nature and can be made easy or difficult. We like easy. Easy implies using less energy so we are conceiving, creating, and developing things that will reduce the amount of energy we consume (both bodily and mechanically), simplify our life, make life more worth living, and improve the environment. Because life is to be enjoyed many of our projects are in the recreational field. We have a particular fondness for water.

To see what we have in the works visit our Products page.

Look for us at the 2014 Orlando Maker Faire September 13th & 14th.

2017 DEMA Member
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